Kilian von Bibra

KILIANUS á BIBRA, Nobilis Francus, JCtus, Ecclesiae Cathedralis Herbipolensis Canonicus et Reipublicae Noribergensis Consiliarius ab A. 1480. ad A. 1490. et ab hinc modo dictae Herbipolensis Praepositus . Natus A. 14 Denatus A. 1494 .

While always known to be part of the Bibra family, Kilian von Bibra’s exact connection was unknown until a doctoral student, Werner Wagenhöfer, unraveled the mystery in the 1990s.

Download Kilian von Bibra’s family chart.

Here is some of the information that is known:

Parents: Enzian von Bibra and Anna v. Lemplein
Brothers: Adolf, Dietrich and Matthias

Studied in Erfurt, Germany 1441

Lived in Würzburg, Germany in 1443

Studied in Padua, Italy in 1449/50

On Tuesday, December 1, 1450, Gilianus de Bibrach de Alemania receives doctorate in church law (doctoratus in iure canonico) in Padua

Member of the cathedral chapter by 1456

Choirmaster of St. Burkard, Würzburg in 1464

Lived at Rötelsee (located where the postal building stands today) from 1466 to 1494

Archdeacon at Ochsenfurt/Mergentheim in 1466

Propst of the church Neumünster 1473

1473 Domherr Trier

February 1, 1474, Emperor Friedrich III comes to Würzburg and stays with Kilian

Head of the Cathedral Chapter in Würzburg in 1478

Würzburg Dompropst (Provost) 1483

General Vicar of the Bishop of Würzburg in 1486

Along with two cousins, Albrecht and Lorenz, e nlarged and rebuilt church at Bibra in 1492

As a respected statesman, he was called on settle disputes in Germany.

When the emperor came to Würzburg, he stayed with him.

Advisor to Emperor Maximilian at the end of Kilian’s life

Dr. Kilian von Bibra,  statesman, head of the cathedral council at Würzburg, advisor to Emperor Maximilian etc., dies.

Dr. Kilian von Bibra dies in 1494 (Doctor of Church Law)

Buried at the Würzburg Cathedral (St. Kilian’s) side complex.  His bronze grave marker disappeared.

Kilian von Bibra

Engraving from Johann Octavian Salver’s Proben des hohen Teütschen Reichs Adels oder Sammlungen alter
Denkmäler, Grabsteine, Wappen, Inn-und Urschriften, u. d. Nach ihren wahren Urbilde aufgenommen, unter
offener Treüe bewähret, und durch Ahnenbäume auch sonstige Nachricten erkläret und erläutert 

Kilian von Bibra

Note the Fuchs for his mother’s coat of arms. This kept scholars prior to Wagenhofer’s book from figuring out where he fit in the Bibra family tree. It was incorrectly assumed the Fuchs stood for a local Franconian family rather than the v. Lemplein family from outside Franconia.

Kilian von Bibra

Three Engravings from Johann Octavian Salver’s Proben des hohen Teütschen Reichs Adels oder Sammlungen alter
Denkmäler, Grabsteine, Wappen, Inn-und Urschriften, u. d. Nach ihren wahren Urbilde aufgenommen, unter
offener Treüe bewähret, und durch Ahnenbäume auch sonstige Nachricten erkläret und erläutert  
(Würzburg, 1775)

An old book diagram showing location of Kilian’s grave in Domherren grave yard just to side of Cathedral sanctuary.  (left side of diagram)
#17 Kurie Rödelsee was Kilian’s home.

Kurie Rödelsee link on Würzburgwiki