Tilman Riemanschneider and the Bibras

The two monuments by Riemanschneider of two bishops in the Würzburg Cathedral. First, Scherenberg and second, Lorenz von Bibra. Both were commissioned by Lorenz who was in office from 1495 to 1519. Although most consider Riemanschneider best work to be with lime wood, these two works, located side by side but are separated by twenty years or so, are very important. The motif and the materials are very similar but a change in styles occurred from Late Gothic to a Manorism. Scherenberg face shows every wrinkle and character whereas Lorenz”s doesn’t.

St. Leo’s Church, Bibra

This book, available in
English or German, is one of
the best books in prints as
far as discussing the two
tombs commissioned by
Lorenz for himself and his